Monday, July 27, 2015

Boundless Exhibit at Cerritos Library

I am a member of  Beyond the Edge Fiber Artists, and we have two exhibits starting at the Cerritos Library on August 2nd. One exhibit is called "Boundless" and it features work mounted on an 18" x 36" canvas. This is my Boundless piece called "Pelican on Pier". I'll be posting about the making of this over the next few weeks, along with some other things I've been up to. Here is additional information about the exhibits:

Beyond the Edge Fiber Artists

We are proud to announce that we will have two exhibits, “Boundless” and “Shaped by Fiber” on display at the Cerritos Library during the months of August and September, 2015.

Exhibit Dates - August 2 through September 30, 2015
Exhibit Location - Cerritos Library, 18025 Bloomfield Avenue, Cerritos, California, 90703, Phone 562-916-1350.

Click on the link in my text above for more information on Beyond the Edge Fiber Artists. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Friday, July 10, 2015

"The Krew" - Urban Graffiti Fiber Art Piece

Here is a photo of my finished piece for the Urban Graffiti exhibit entitled "The Krew".  I turn it in tomorrow, and if it is juried in to the Urban Graffiti exhibit it will travel around next year to various shows in the U.S. I'm happy with the way it turned out and give credit to Alexandra Sloan for the great photo that I based it on. I really enjoyed making it!

"The Krew" by Eileen Wintemute
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Urban Graffiti - The Krew Quilting

It's always a good feeling to get a quilt sandwiched for quilting. It seems downhill from there. 

Today I'm posting photos of the quilting stitching that I did on the Urban Graffiti piece. I tried to have angles in the stitches I chose, rather than a lot of curved shapes. There are some curves in the meandering, but it looks rough to me.  

I also added the words "Urban DK" and "Krew" in quilting stitches:

I stitched around the figures and clothing, putting stitches in shadow areas and around collars, etc. And here's the quilting in the letters and on the top of the quilt:

I'll show you the finished piece in the next post. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

I am lucky to have been born in the United States. Some people say just being born here is the equivalent of winning the lottery. I agree. Happy Fourth to all of you!

Anthem Story by Eileen Wintemute